

Welcome, Educators!

The New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program is as much about the future as it is about the past. Through stories, we hope to inspire young people to think about their role in history going forward and the legacy they will leave. We encourage educators to connect with each other through our program, explore our curriculum, and use our website to introduce students to the wonderful women who have helped shape New Mexico’s history.

How to Use This Curriculum

These lessons are designed to engage learners on a journey through time with a diverse array of the women of New Mexico. Grade level groupings contain multiple lesson plans that are intended to be taught in sequence in order to build knowledge, skills, and connections between the past and present.

Each lesson references the New Mexico PED Social Studies and Humanities Content Standards, allowing teachers to easily align the lessons to meet student needs. We invite you to join this community that inspires our future.

Grade Levels


Students deepen their understanding of communities through learning about women from New Mexico in a cross-grade-level setting. Students explore someone in their own life that makes a significant difference for a community, imagining that one day they could be recognized on a historic marker. The lessons promote cooperative learning, listening, writing, and observation skills, along with artistic expressions of understanding.

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In order to place women within New Mexico’s historical timeline, students complete independent research on a specific woman from the New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program website. The lessons include reading, note taking and outlining, writing a monologue, creating a commemorative coin, and community connection through teaching younger students in a cross-grade-level project.

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Through historical inquiry and source analysis, students are introduced to the women featured on the New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program website. The lessons include reading, note taking, writing, creative presentations, source analysis, and a final collaborative “tea party” where students make connections between women from varied eras, backgrounds, and cultures.

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Students utilize the New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program website as a means to delve further into the scholarship of primary and secondary source use. The lessons include analysis of creating an identity of “home,” civic contributions, determining the reliability of a source, research skills and essay writing, and a creative collaborative “dinner party.” A final stand-alone lesson guides students through an examination of the collective impacts made by groups of women.

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Student Project Gallery

Student Research Papers


Cleofas Martinez Jaramillo

Dorothy McKibbin

Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche

Emiteria “Matie” Martinez Robinson Viles

Florinda Naranjo Ortiz

Soledad “Lala” Chávez Chacón

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